These memory cards are all over the place! You will have to find creative ways to sort them into groups.

Made in 48 hours (solo) for the Shawcat Game Jam. Theme: Mismatched

It seems my water shader didn't survive the upload.


Card Icons by Caro Asercion, Delapouite, and Lorc on

Music by Aleksey Chistilin (Lexin_Music) on


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I loved this!! The puzzles were fun and engaging, and the art on the cards is gorgeous!!

That's too complicated for my little brain...

Really polished game and very creative !

(1 edit)

This is a really fun game,
got hooked quickly!

I wish it was longer

That's great to hear.
I originally had a few more twists planned for the coming levels. Right now I'm just happy that I was able to upload what I had. :)

Tip to players: The icons of the cards can relate in more that just the graphic / colour

But really enjoyed it, finished it, well done! 


Can you give me a hint for stage six? That's the one with two beetles, two mantises, cat, tiger, pangolin. I can't find a solution or, more importantly, work out why some of the ones I'm trying aren't valid solutions.


Try to find a fitting match for the cat first. After that you know, what the level is trying to teach you, and the rest should come easy.


Thanks, got there in the end. I feel like the game could do with more feedback (maybe something like a tick or cross on each set when you submit) but I'm not sure if that would make it too easy.